- Founded Clark Sustainable Resource Developments (CSRD), focused on salvaging and marketing tropical forests submerged by Lake Volta. Negotiated ground-breaking concession for salvaging timber in Lake Volta, and raised over US$20M in various rounds from investors including Goldman Sachs and Barclays Capital.
- Professor of Practice in Corporate Social Responsibility at McGill University. Led the development and delivery of Executive Programs in CSR Strategy and Management in Canada and in Africa.
- President of CSR Training Institute, a global presence in social responsibility and sustainability strategy, training and implementation.
- Consults globally on social responsibility, sustainability, and strategy for leading natural resource companies
Board roles: Founding Member of the Advisory Board of the EU Africa Chamber of Commerce, Former Vice-Chairman of the Canadian Council on Africa, Chairman of the Middle East North Africa CSR Summit (2016), EU Africa CSR Dialogues.
Education: Professor of Practice in Corporate Social Responsibility at McGill University, MSc., Management, Stanford University Graduate School of Business